Tuesday, April 21, 2020

BENV - Photoshop Materials

Week 8 - Photoshop with different Material Combinations

Using the skills learnt from the previous Photoshop task such as shadows, perspective warping and layering I was successful in replacing the walls and floors with different material combinations.

Photoshop of Paper Model

Original Image

I used this image and placed it in 2 different environments being a bright lit city and a grassy plain. For the urban environment i went with white concrete as the walls with a bright neon green light that runs near the bottom of the exterior wall to provide a more modern appeal to suit the background. All the windows are fitted with blue tinted glass while the ceiling shapes are placed with clear white glass to provide more visibility. The floor is covered with black tiles to contrast with the bright walls.

For the grassy plain I opted to use a dark wood for both the walls and ceiling to suit the natural setting. The base is made of grey concrete and the shapes above are made of rugged metal to differentiate from the natural wooden walls.

Photoshop of Cardboard Model

Original Image

For the cardboard model I decided to go with a cliff side next to a waterfall and used oak wood planks with a dark metal frame to hold the pieces together. There is an open balcony at the back with tinted windows above the entrance.

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